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11 meilleurs DILF d’anime pour vous balayer de vos pieds

Les meilleurs dilfs d’anime de tous les temps

DILF est l’abréviation littérale de Dad I’d Like To F*ck. En règle générale, les gens recherchent simplement des pères sexuellement attrayants dans des séries télévisées, des films, des K-dramas, etc. Cependant, c’est différent pour nous weebs. Nous adorons et croyons fanatiquement que les dilfs d’anime surpassent toutes les autres espèces de dilf.

L’idée d’étiqueter quelqu’un comme « Dilf » peut varier, parfois ils sont en fait des pères, d’autres fois ils ne le sont pas, mais ils ont des caractéristiques de père ou ont l’âge d’un père.

Tout le monde parle de milfs d’anime, mais les dilfs d’anime sont rarement reconnus. La raison principale est que presque tout le monde simpre pour les milfs, même les filles.

Cependant, les dilfs d’anime obtiennent le bout court du bâton en raison du manque d’hommes pour fanboy.

Les dilfs qui ne sont pas des dilfs, c’est-à-dire qui n’ont pas d’enfants sont des moldus de l’animeverse. Nous avons trouvé le Top 11 des hommes d’anime qui sont des dilfs de sang pur.

Le terme semble bizarre, mais il désigne les papas qui sont des papas dans les deux sens. Comme dans, ils ont eu les deux – les enfants et le corps. Aussi étrange que puisse paraître la sexualisation d’une « forme parentale », cela arrive souvent dans tous les fandoms.

TW- Cet article a spoiler(s). Marchez à vos risques et périls. Qui est ton papa préféré ? Faites-le nous savoir dans la section des commentaires.

11 meilleurs DILF d’anime pour vous balayer de vos pieds [Montrer]

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11. Kyousuke Hori

Kyousuke Hori fumant cigarette avec les cheveux gris
  • Find him in: Horimiya
  • Anime worth the watch or not: If you are into wholesome couple animes I guess?
  • Age: Around 36
  • Daddy Enough: Sir, Yes Sir, Yes

In the popular Manga series Horimiya, Kyosuke Hori is the wandering father of Kyoko and her younger brother Souta Hori.

He is a handsome man with messy, dirty grey hairs on his shoulder, often away from home because of work. Additionally, his hair covers his golden-brown eyes along with his face.

Kyosuke’s all-time tiring face rapidly turns into a serious one while he jokes and then laughs his heart out.

The personality of Kyosuke is well defined by his daughter Kyoko who finds him rude, forceful, and selfish and has a habit of joking around on serious matters.

Additionally, her behavior towards Kyosuke is because he is always running errands away from family.

Kyosuke is also cheap and unpredictable when it comes to emotions. This personality flaw can be justified by one of the incidents in the series where Izumi(Kyoko’s boyfriend) visits him, and his mood uplifts.

The happiness on Kyosuke’s face is similar to that of a person who’s won some accolade.

However, before that, when his family asked him to spend time and have Beluga Caviar or Shark Fin Soup, Hori denied it and acted disinterested.

Thus, we can conclude that Kyosuke is like a typical man who is not comfortable sharing his emotions. However, outsiders become his comfort zone.

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10. Kazuma Sohma

Kazuma Sohma holding kid in air and looking innocent in two different images
  • Find him in: Fruits Basket
  • Anime worth the watch or not: YESSSSS!!!
  • Age: 40s
  • Daddy Enough: Yes and nothing can stop you from falling in love with him over and over again.

Not long ago, “God,” thought of an idea to befriend several beings other than humans; this was when the Cat became his first companion. In compliance with this idea, God sent invitations to a feast he would host to all the animals, but only 12 of them accepted.

These 12 animals later in the storyline become the 12 prominent figures of the Chinese Zodiac. However, it was later realized that the Cat left behind and betrayed everyone, for which it was eventually cursed.

Following the curse, another fascinating plot visited the story, which led to the introduction of the Sohma Family.

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The character of Kazuma Sahuma is one of the series’ most promising leads and a crucial member of the Sohma family.

In the series, he is Kyo Sohma’s adoptive father. He adopted him after his mother died, and his biological father disowned him.

As the narrative tale develops, it becomes clear that the guy made a grave mistake when he was younger and began chastising his grandfather because he mistakenly believed the Cat had cursed him.

He raised Kyo as his foster son mainly to demonstrate to Kyo that he can be loved in pure form by others despite the sanctity of the curse.

In the Fruits Basket series, he progresses a significant role as he forces Kyo to reveal his proper form to Tohru.

Kazuma believes that Tohru’s love for Kyo is genuine and not motivated by pity, just like what his grandmother did for his grandfather.

A character with a minor role but a significant one has been of quite importance for the series.

9. Gakuho Asano

Gakuho Asano sitting in black suit and waving hands
  • Find him in: Assassination Classroom
  • Anime worth the watch or not: A brilliant choice
  • Age: 41
  • Daddy Enough: Goddd!!! Just go and look him up.

This dad is pretty self-conceited. In fact, he’s so obsessed with always being on top that he burdens his son with the same pressure. Sounds familiar?

His relationship with his son is strained to the point that he only uses him as an element/object to add value to his societal reputation.

He sometimes can be quite a moral police and act petty with his son, often to trigger him and his insecurities.

Sometimes he appears emotionally abusive and dismissive of others’ feelings, especially his son. He likes to measure success and is driven by it.

Later on, however his personality flips a switch when he loses his favorite students to bullying.

Asano’s daddy then avenges his student’s death and vows to equip his students with the necessary skills to become good students and a human who can stand and speak for themself.

You’ll like him more in the later parts of the anime as the story grows and you’ll simp for this anime dilf.

8. Maes Hughes

Maes Hughes amongst the list of anime dilfs
  • Find him in: Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Anime worth the watch or not: If you wish to, for me it’s a bit overrated
  • Age: 29 years old
  • Daddy Enough: Maybe, I guess for some.

Maes Hughes was an Amestrian State Military Officer positioned in the investigations office in the central city, Amestris, where he worked as an intelligence agent.

He met Colonel Roy Mustang during his early adulthood when he was enrolled in the military academy. Their first encounter had some conflict, but they developed a profound bond soon after.

In general, Hughes was preferred by the other characters in accordance with his easygoing and cheerful personality. Still, he could be annoying sometimes because of his fanatical affection for his family.

He loved his wife, Gracia Hughes, and daughter, Elicia Hughes, immensely. His daughter was his greatest love, and he often showed off pictures of his daughter to everyone he came across with.

In episode 13 of the 2003 anime, he even exhibited a 12-foot-tall picture of her to the crowd before Ed and Roy’s duel.

Regardless of his idiotic activities, he was a great father and a total family man. Even the Elric brothers loved and considered him their father figure.

He invited them to his house to celebrate Edward’s birthday in the anime 2003.

Hughes had the same upbeat nature towards his family and work life. He even boasted about his family at work to the point where Mustang got annoyed.

Throughout the series, it became clear that Hughes’s driving force was his family. He cannot fathom losing them.

Before the unfortunate death of Hughes, it became clear that even the thought of his family getting hurt was unbearable for him.

7. Vincent Phantomhive

Vincent Phantomhive in green hair and brown hair wearing suit
  • Find him in: Black Butler
  • Anime worth the watch or not: Your FOMO might be legit
  • Age: 34
  • Daddy Enough: He’s all yummy nummy with a tinch of shrewd for me.
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Vincent Phantomhive is a former Phantomhive family leader and a member of the Aristocracy of Evil. The deceased spouse of Rachel Phantomhive, he is also the father of “Ciel Phantomhive.”

Vincent was a gallant gentleman who instilled unwavering devotion in those who worked for him.

As a true gentleman, he would always make sure to set aside a few moments of his time to greet people and show his appreciation.

This is evident when he saw that Angelina Dalles felt self-conscious about her red hair and made it a point to appreciate it after realizing that she was self-conscious about it.

Additionally, Vincent was a dedicated husband and a loving father; he placed a high priority on his family. Vincent’s family was of the utmost significance to him.

In addition to this, Vincent was a shrewd and intelligent leader. He was adept at influencing other people, and he had extraordinary confidence in himself and his staff.

For example, when he was younger, he made a wager with Dietrich that whoever lost in the annual cricket competition held at Weston College would have to fulfill a free request for the person who came out on top.

Because of his cunning and inventiveness, he could steer his house to victory, bring about the “Miracle of Sapphires,” and win Diedrich’s devotion. However, his house had never been victorious in the past.

In other words, the odds were stacked against him. Because of this, many people had high esteem for Vincent; in fact, Vincent’s brother-in-law Alexis Leon Midford thought of him as a “brilliant game-maker.”

6. Tanjuro Kamado

Tanjuro Kamado holding sword with long hair and orange dress
  • Find him in: Demon Slayer
  • Anime worth the watch or not: Reader Discretion
  • Age: Not Known
  • Daddy Enough: Mhm…Mhmmm…Definitely

 Tanjuro died pretty early but has an uncanny similarity to Tanjiro. Pale and Skinny but has the balls to scare off the demons, so yes, definitely a daddy in terms of strength and qualities!

Like even the flashlight view of his earrings was enough to scare the strongest demon of all time.

He was pretty strict and uptight but had his own ‘soft dad moments’ like when he taught Tanjiro the traditional dance of his people, which benefitted Tanjiro later in his fights against the demons. This man straight-up exuberates nobility.

Unfortunately, despite suffering from a life-threatening disease, my man never gave up on his training, family, or children.

5. Joichiro Yukihira

Joichiro Yukihira looking buffed in long hair and smoking cigar
  • Find him in: Food Wars
  • Anime worth the watch or not: A delightful watch to pass time. Upto reader discretion.
  • Age: 48 (in the end of manga)
  • Daddy Enough: For fans who like their dilfs with a little scrunchy stub.

He is a famous chef in the Food Wars anime and our protagonist, Yukihara Soma’s dad.

He loves his wife so much that not only he takes up her maiden surname but passes it on to his son as well. Immensely passionate about cooking, he hates his hard work compared to his natural talent.

As a single dad, he plays a crucial role in making Yukihara Soma a competent chef. All in all, he’s a supportive dad.

However, he ends up on the daddy list for his zesty nature, which is compatible with his seriousness during cook-offs.

He has a nice long face with sunken cheekbones and slender hooded eyes. Man’s got medium lengthed brunette hair, chin strap beard with a classic soul patch.

Another characteristic feature of our chef daddy is that he’s laidback until he gets roasted by his opponents, which then fires him up enough to tear them apart (in the competition, ofcourse).

4. Joseph Joestar

Joseph Joestar as anime dilfs in two different images
  • Find him in: Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
  • Anime worth the watch or not: For those who can put up with the British subtitles.
  • Age: 101
  • Daddy Enough: For those who like their dilfs looking like gilfs (grandparent I’d like to f)

He’s got spiky hair and is all bulked up. In terms of personality, he’s pretty flirty, and friendly. This Joestar has a weird way of predicting his enemy’s next line and alternating while they speak.

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In later parts of the anime, his personality and character are put in reverse gear, as in he becomes mostly absent as a husband but still teaches important life lessons to his children.

3. Akio Furukawa

Akio Furukawa holding crossiant and screaming in two different images for anime dilfs
  • Find him in: Clannad
  • Anime worth the watch or not: A definite yes!
  • Age: 64 (mhmm… I know)
  • Daddy Enough: Life’s too short to be saying ‘No’!

A happy-go-lucky kind of personality. Thus dad right here, unlike many other anime daddies, is a bunch of cuteness and kindness. He is kin to Sanae Furukawa and works in a bakery with her, aka ‘Furukawa Bakery.’

He’s selfless and loves his wife to the point where he’d consume her inedible cooking and pretend it to be delicious.

He’s suspected of having a second job as a ‘hitman’ but hasn’t been made clear in the anime. His wholesome nature is seen in several episodes, and despite being tagged as daddy, he’s a kid-at-heart.

2. Toji Fushiguro

One of the best anime dilfs: Toji Fushiguro
  • Find him in: Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Anime worth the watch or not: YES! YES! YES! YES!
  • Age: In his 20s, my man really died around 25-28
  • Daddy Enough: Daddier than the daddiest person you have met.

I swear Toji Fushiguro is one of those anime dilfs you can’t just get enough of. I wish he were alive because if he were, he would have proved an absolute menace, unlike most of the wholesome anime dads on this list.

However, Toji Fushiguro added a lot of spice to Gojo’s past arc as a character.

Although, as a dad, he is a disappointment. This man forgot his child’s name and didn’t even know his child’s gender.

As per looks, he’s a natural charmer. Toji has a remarkable scar on his lips which adds a mystic aura to his cold and cunning personality.

He’s got pitch black hair, defined jaws, toned abs, and lots of cake in his backyard, and there’s nothing about him that wouldn’t draw the audience’s attention.

Toji isn’t a great husband either, but there’s an act he commits for Megumi in the Shibuya Arc incident that reduced me to tears, so much so that I couldn’t recover from the dilemma for a while.

Maybe it’s an exaggeration, but the man is remarkable and strong as hell; I mean, he almost killed Gojou. Toji Fushiguro is the definition of the perfect antagonist with the coolest redemption arc.

1. Loid Forger

Best Anime Dilfs of all time: Loid Forger
  • Find him in: Spy x Family
  • Anime Worth Your Time: Worth it.
  • Age: Exact age is not known but it’s assumed that our ‘daddy blonde’ is in his thirties.
  • Daddy Enough: You bet!

Our detective dad Loid is on a mission as a spy for Westalis. He needs to assemble a pretend family, and thus this is the part wherein Yor and Anya come in.

Even though Loid is initially a bit tactless on how to act as a good parent, he definitely aces this role quickly enough.

Not only is he capable of actually making a good father, but he only gets better as a husband. In certain episodes of Spy X Family, how diligently he protects Yor’s honor as a woman can be seen.

An instance was when, at the time of getting Anya admitted to Eden academy, one of the head professors was being rude to Yor and, in a way, called her an incompetent mother/wife that pushed our daddy Loid’s buttons.

He stood up for her even at the risk of failing at his mission.

Then there’s one where Yor is invited to a party hosted by her colleagues, but they try to malice her and strongly suspect her of being an assassin; however, our hero Loid Forger rescues the damsel in distress just in time.

He tops the list of best anime dilfs at any given day.


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