Home » Anime » 20 magnifiques personnages d’anime aux cheveux bouclés que vous aimeriez

20 magnifiques personnages d’anime aux cheveux bouclés que vous aimeriez

Je ne sais pas ce qu’il en est des cheveux bouclés, mais les personnages d’anime avec des boucles naturelles parviennent toujours à être magnifiques.

C’est peut-être parce qu’ils sont si rares par rapport aux personnages aux cheveux raides. Quelle qu’en soit la raison, je ne peux m’empêcher d’être fasciné par eux.

Dans cet article, je vais vous présenter certains de mes personnages d’anime préférés aux cheveux bouclés. Croyez-moi, vous allez les adorer !

10 personnages masculins aux cheveux bouclés

Les cheveux bouclés sont souvent considérés comme un symbole de gaieté et de bonne nature. Dans l’anime, de nombreux personnages masculins aux cheveux bouclés sont montrés comme chaleureux et amicaux.

Voici dix personnages masculins d’anime aux cheveux bouclés à ondulés !

1. Sakata Gintoki

Gintama - Les cheveux bouclés de Gin

Gin est un favori pour de nombreux fans d’anime car il a une coiffure intéressante. Son style se démarque de la plupart des autres personnages.

Ce jeune homme se moquait même de ses cheveux argentés et permanentés en disant que ce n’était pas naturel et bizarre. Eh bien, les opinions des autres sont les mêmes.

Avec une endurance qui rendrait n’importe quel combat facile (même s’il affronte plusieurs adversaires), Gin est fort. Il a peut-être l’air faible, mais ceux qui l’ont connu pensent le contraire.

2. Spike Spiegel

Spike Spiegel personnages masculins aux cheveux bouclés

Spike Spiegel restera à jamais une icône. Il est cool, calme et serein en tant que personnage. De plus, les aventures intergalactiques de Spike captivent l’envie de voyager parmi les fans.

Malgré son apparence débraillée, ce personnage aux cheveux bouclés a une aura incroyablement attrayante.

Il porte toujours son costume violet froissé signature, ce qui ajoute à son look cool.

Mais ce n’est pas seulement cela qui le rend si fascinant. Tout au long de l’anime, vous remarquerez une chose constante à propos de votre sympathique vaisseau spatial de quartier Piranha : sa coiffure bouclée !

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3. Gajeel Redfox

Gajeel Redfox male characters

The first thing you notice about Gajeel Redfox is his signature curls at least his counterpart in the Edolas. He stands out not only because he’s wearing a suit, but also with how short and curly they are.

Despite the difference in fashion style, Gajeel from Edolas is so much the same with the Earth Gajeel of the Fairy Tail Guild. He loves music and his face is the same as the one on Earth.

4. Usopp

One piece Characters - Signature Crying Wolf

When you think of pirates, who comes to mind? For many people, it’s probably an image related in some way or another with One Piece.

One of the most popular characters in this series is Usopp. He’s a scrappy-looking pirate with wild curled hair and a long nose.

Despite his look, this guy is a bit cunning. He could tell lies just to get what he wants. Usopp is also one of the most resourceful members of the Straw Hat.

But wait… There are also good intentions behind this guy because he eventually proves himself brave enough for battle against all odds.

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5. Daryl McGuinness

mobile suit gundam

Daryl is a curvy and stylish Latino man with a distinctive hair for its curliness. He has an easy-going personality, but it’s really just cover for his skill set.

This mobile suit pilot can take down foes using both power and style!

Though not ranked very high on the command chain (he holds Lieutenant Junior Grade status), many still recognize how valuable he truly was to the Unicorn team.

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6. Afro Samurai

Afro Samurai - Thick black Afro hair

With a legacy like the one Afro has, it’s no wonder he’s included on this list. Both his hair and personality are some of the reasons he’s in this list.

From his signature look to being an relentless Vengeance driven individual, his style is unique. But this main character is also refreshingly diverse!

Also, Afro and some characters possess ungodly powers. This anime series has been adopted to manga and video games set in futuristic Japan.

7. Kyoraku Shunsui

Bleach - worthy and valiant fighter

Kyoraku Shunsui is a Capitan Shinigami in Soul society. His signature pink kimono and abundant wavy brown curls (and chest hair) that he keeps grown under a Sugegasa straw hat make him easy to spot wherever he goes!

This handsome captain has a laid-back personality. And don’t forget about this guy’s talent for writing romance novels which nobody ever seems interested in enough.


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8. Alex Louis Armstrong

FullMetal Alchemist

Armstrong’s powerful build and signature one-cropped hairstyle have made him an intimidating character both in battle and in silver screen.

Though his fierce demeanor might give off a false impression that he is uneducated about emotions, he is not. Actually, Alex is one of those curly haired anime men with a good heart beneath rippling layers of muscles.

The legendary alchemist known simply enough just plain old « Armstrong, » works tirelessly daily to ensure the future of the generations.

9. Ryouta Miyagi

Slam Dunk - curly haired men

Ryouta and his dark brown curls are always at the center of attention due to his rougher character compared to his teammates.

A quick footed point guard, his personality can be described as conceited and boastful. But underneath all this armor beats a heart full of kindness towards one special friend.

Despite being separated, Ryouta’s love for his friend has never waned. This young man is loyal.

10. Takurou Sakakiba

Persona: Sensitive Soul

Takurou Sakakiba has a loyal personality and is a powerful Persona student. He cares deeply for his friends.

But this curly haired man holds an unwavering grudge against the man who abandoned him as child: His own father.

Despite this grudge, Takurou’s endearing personality remains and shows that he still longs for his father.

10 Anime Girls with Curly Hair

Anime fans love their curly-haired girls! Here are 10 of the best anime characters with curly hair, ranging from gentle and girly to bold and feisty. These ladies are sure to charm any fan, no matter what your type may be.

1. Saaya Yamabuki

bang dream

Yes, I am aware. Some people might find it surprising to put a high-school drummer as part of this list, above all the hardcore fighter girls.

I’ve got an real soft spot for BanG Dream and Saaya in particular. Why? Because she’s a nice girl.

Saaya is a very caring person, especially to her friends. She would always lend good listening ears to those who has problems.

Besides, this pretty drummer looks so beautiful in her curly brown hair and ribbons.

2. Mai Valentine

Yu Gi Oh

Mai Valentine is one of YuGi-Oh’s most recognizable characters. She was orphaned at an early age and grew up working in bars.

Because of poverty and wanting to get rich, she would dupe horny men by pretending to have psychic powers. Mai would make them bet on her cards while they were playing games such as poker or backgammon.

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This skill with gambling eventually led Mai into dueling where she rampaged through multiple contests. With these chances, this young lady with curly hair becomes a great duelist herself.

Though often victorious, Mai had few true companions prior to meeting Yugi and his group. During those times, she would even fight against her friends.

3. Selnia Iori Flameheart

ladies versus butlers

Selnia has always been the nicest, sweetest girl you could ever meet. She comes off as a shallow gold-digger.

This curly haired young lady is your typical hapless anime character with pigtails that look like drills. Her accent is thicker than Tejuoshis.

She’s the type of girl that would never say no to anyone. Even though Selnia comes off as sweet, kind, and nice at first glance, her true personality shines through to persons who know her so well.

This girl is quite rude – even toward those who were once friends or family members! The reason behind all this behavior?

Well, something happened to her. If you want to know why you should watch the anime.

4. Ravel Phoenix

high school dxd

In High School DxD, Ravel is one of the strongest female characters you’d want to love. In fact, you can find any type in your preference, from the spoiled Himederes like Ravel to Issei who wishes a harem on his own.

This young lady is the definition of cute. With her long hair tied into twintails and large, drill-like luscious curls you can’t help but want to run your fingers through them!

She also has red ribbons keeping up with all those beautiful locks. Her dark blue eyes give off such an innocent vibe that makes me think this girl would never hurt anyone unless someone makes fun or called her ‘cute.’

5. Sadi

One Piece

Sadi is an orange-haired girl with short bangs covering her eyes and a curvy body to die for. She’s daring and loves skimpy clothes.

Being a dominatrix, this curly-haired woman is a sadist who loves to torture her “subjects”. She likes other people to call her Little Sadie.

But, ironically, she’s far from being little.

Unfortunately, Sadie has a minor role in One Piece. She was part of the series when she fought Emporio Ivankov, valiantly. These two are at par in terms of abilities.

6. Dairenji Suzuka

Tokyo Ravens

In Lolita fashion, this girl with curly hair wears two black bows over each drill-like curl. She also puts on a mask of being younger and innocent to others who she needs to try to impress.

But be aware! Dairenji is rather haughty with some sadism tucked away underneath that surface-level charm. She uses this naughty side to reach some goals even at a very young age.

Suzuka may look young and frail in her outward appearance, but she’s actually kind of rough around the edges. You might think that her personality would be scary – well not quite as bad or mean.

There are moments when you wonder if Suzukas’ actions aren’t more harmful than good because they often come at such an expensive price for herself!

7. Launch

Launch curly hair anime girls

Launch has a very eclectic style that changes often. She always wears a red ribbon in her hair, though the color varies depending on what she’s wearing at any given time!

Her story captivates audiences around the world. And, her personalities are completely different from people with a personality disorder.

Launch changes her personality every time she sneezes. In earlier parts of the show, there were two separate personalities who have absolutely no memory or connection between them at all.

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But, towards later episodes, she can control what kind personality shows up next because of willpower.

8. Harime Nui

Kill La Kill

Kill la Kill might seem like a goofy, fun show at first glance. But don’t let the surface appearance fool you.

This anime has some serious undertones that reveal themselves with each episode. Besides, it features villains with interesting character development!

And Nui is one such villainous character. She’s not afraid of fiery death or anything else around her (even if it means standing alone).

She’s an artificial life-form who was created by humans, but she has some serious issues that go beyond just being synthetic. These issues include dark powers and tendencies towards chaos!

While many people would see Deredere qualities on display here, I don’t think she is like this. Her friendliness has some sense of pressure.

9. Brigitte ‘Rosie’ Stark

Valkryia Chronicles

The major character in the anime and original video game series, Brigitte ‘Rosie’ Stark is a bar singer whose career gets destroyed by war.

She never graduated high school but became a fearless soldier who rose quickly through rank. This young woman became corporal with wisdom beyond her years.

Tall and slender with brown eyes, Rosie is a classic example of an anime girl. She has the same Gallian military uniform on like her fellow teammates.

But hers looks are rougher around the edges than the other soldiers in uniform.

A major departure in both story and gameplay from previous titles, Valkyria Chronicles brings us into Rosie’s world through interspersal narratives.

10. Aria

Omega Quintet

The first thing you notice about Aria is her long, flowing white hair and bangs that frame her face. The second thing we see is what she wears.

In her idol role, Aria wears a lolita-inspired dress with strips going down each side plus black ribbons holding it together at chest level! But there’s something different about this curly haired pretty pie!

Trivia Questions

Who’s the ugliest anime character?

There’s no easy answer to this question, as it depends on personal preferences. However, some ugly characters do stand out more than others.

One example is Migi from the horror anime series Parasyte. He’s a grotesque, slimy creature with sharp teeth and a pointed head. He’s also incredibly violent and sadistic, which just makes him all the more horrifying to look at.

There are certainly plenty to choose from, but it ultimately comes down to personal opinion. So, who’s your pick for the ugliest anime character?

Who has curly hair MHA?

I think it is Izuku Midoriya. His hair has a green highlight, is not so curly but it has waves that stick on odd angles.

Who is the cutest anime character?

There are many adorable characters out there, but there can only be one cutest of them all. So who is it? Well, that’s up for debate. It really depends on your personal taste.

Who is the most beautiful anime character ever?

Il n’y a pas de réponse définitive à cette question car la beauté est, bien sûr, subjective. Cependant, nous pouvons le réduire à quelques prétendants qui sont souvent cités comme les plus beaux personnages d’anime de tous les temps.

L’exemple le plus connu et le plus populaire est peut-être celui de la superstar kawaii Hatsune Miku. C’est une adorable jeune fille de 16 ans avec de longs cheveux bleu vif et de grands yeux expressifs.

Elle est également l’une des Vocaloids (un synthétiseur de voix artificielle) les plus populaires et a vendu des millions de disques dans le monde entier.

Un autre prétendant est Rei Ayanami de la populaire série animée de science-fiction Neon Genesis Evangelion. Avec sa peau pâle, ses cheveux noirs de jais et ses yeux bleus obsédants, elle est souvent citée comme l’un des plus beaux personnages d’anime jamais créés.

Parmi les autres choix populaires, citons Sakura Kinomoto de Cardcaptor Sakura, Haruka Tenoh de Sailor Moon, Erza Scarlet de Fairy Tail et Kagari Izuriha avec son ruban rose de Black Rock Shooter.

C’est tout pour cette liste ! J’espère que vous avez apprécié d’en apprendre davantage sur certains de mes personnages d’anime préférés aux cheveux bouclés.

Alors, lequel des dix personnages masculins ou des 10 filles est votre préféré ?

N’oubliez pas de me faire savoir qui est votre favori dans les commentaires ci-dessous. N’oubliez pas de partager cet article avec vos amis s’il vous a plu, et je vous dis à la prochaine fois !

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